Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine

Frequently asked questions about Analytik NEWS

What is Analytik NEWS?

Analytik NEWS is an independent online magazine for the laboratory industry.

What are the costs of using Analytik NEWS?

The use of this site is free of charge as well as a subscribtion of our e-mail newsletters.

Who finances Analytik NEWS?

Analytik NEWS was funded solely by advertising (banners, text ads) on the web site or in the newsletters.

Who is the owner of Analytik NEWS?

Analytik NEWS is a service provided by Dr. Beyer Internet Consulting, an independent service provider for the chemical and laboratory industries.

Is my information safe?

All transmitted data is not transferred to third parties. This is especially true for e-mail addresses and IP addresses. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Can I print out pages from Analytik News without navigation?

Yes all pages can be printed easily with a special style sheet. This happens automatically when you issue a print job. We don't use frames to avoid inaccurate print results.

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