Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


New information system on raw materials


The JRC launches the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS), a comprehensive online repository of information on policies, activities and data related to the European raw materials sector. The RMIS supports a series of European Commission initiatives which aim to tackle the pressure on valuable resources and their more efficient use to the benefit of EU's economies.

The RMIS provides a structured repository of knowledge on non-energy-related raw materials. This includes links to data, methods, approaches and indicators related to the most relevant activities on raw materials in a European context and beyond. The RMIS thereby contributes to consolidating the EU raw materials knowledge base, and aims at strengthening the visibility and competitiveness of the EU raw materials sector, while promoting green and sustainable growth.

The information is addressed to a broad range of stakeholders engaged or interested in the European raw materials sector. The RMIS contributes to the EU Raw Materials Initiative and supports the activities of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs in the context of non-energy raw materials, including the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) and the European Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EURMKB).

» Raw Materials Information System

Source: Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)